Contact Person:
Marios Raspopoulos
Marios Raspopoulos is an Assistant Professor and the leader of the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Undergraduate Programme and the Innovation Lead for the School of Sciences at UCLan Cyprus. He is also a member of the InSPIRE (Interdisciplinary Science Promotion & Innovative Research Exploration) Center. He holds an MEng in Electronics & Mobile Communications, an MSc in Communications Networks & Software and a PhD in Telecommunications. His research interests span around the wide spectrum of ICT with special focus in Telecommunications and Mobile Wireless Communications & Technologies. He has been heavily involved with Engineering and Telecommunication Projects in Wireless Communications and Sensor Networks, Radio Propagation, RF/Antenna Design and Wireless Channel Modelling, IoT, Localisation and Tracking, Information and Context-aware technologies, Ubiquitous and Pervasive computing, Cognitive Radio Technologies, Green and Energy Efficient Communication and Human Exposure to Electromagnetic Radiation etc. He has participated in various collaborative projects like WHERE (FP7), WHERE2 (FP7), C2Power (FP7), CogEU (FP7), FUTON (FP7), MOBILIA (Eureka), 4GOpen (Eurostars), ASPIDA (Cy RPF), etc., mostly with a Telecommunication and Engineering focus. In many of these projects he was acting as a Work Package Leader and/or technical coordinator. He also has substantial industrial experience (9 years as a Chief Technical Officer in an R&D Telecom and Engineering SME).
Email : mraspopoulos@uclan.ac.uk
Mobile: +357 24 694000